Who we are

We are a family of six, dwelling among the foothills of Camel’s Hump Mountain in Vermont: 

The Foreman, age 3, is a master carpenter in her own right. She could build anything if she only had not so much to say about it while doing so. She can name every tool, tell of how the tool is used, explain a neat trick it can do in a pinch, speak of the quality of said tool, talk on how a particular tool could cause certain injury, and even talk some more ….

The Journeyman, age 2, demands to be a ‘steeple builder’ once he is able to drive a big truck. He currently prototypes his steeple designs using Magna-tiles and his work leads me to contemplate my incompetence while having been in the trade for over a decade. He requested a steeple cake for his second birthday.

The Apprentice, age 1, might be at his happiest when in the shop handing me the screws that I drop on the floor while working. He will likely need to be the one behind the wheel of his brother’s big truck for obvious reasons. For the time being, his resume headlines: Experienced Magna-tile destructor seeking more opportunity.

The New Hire, age 0, start date: March 2025.

My loving wife, age u#t , thinks carpentry is kind of cool. I’m not sure if more words could easily be said of it since, short of our faith, it has become intermingled within each moment of our days - for better or worse. She’s the reason any of this is possible and spends more hours than what seems humanly possible taking care of our children amidst what appears to be intermittent waves of commotion, proceeded by questionable rationalizing of events. No one has been hurt on her watch and, in fact, everyone thrives because of her selfless love and care. She is also the brilliant mind behind many of the pieces we will craft.

As a carpenter of 12 years, crafting wood is an every day occurrence; as a traditional Catholic family, bringing purposeful pieces into the homes of faithful Catholics is a new mission we are blessed to embark on.

The traditional Catholic Church is thriving today despite taking on fire from within and beyond. We find ourselves daily delving deeper into the truth, trying to figure out what has been lost over the decades, and how to regain it. Traditions become lost when they are simply not cared for and are ceased to be passed along.

We have been longing for the traditions that have escaped daily life and are now on the quest to bring them back. This desire along with drawing from our German heritage has brought us to crafting our first piece : the wayside shrine (Wegkreuz). While still prevalent in Austria, Germany, Italy, and scattered elsewhere in Europe, the wayside shrine is a beautiful Catholic tradition nearly absent from North America.

We plan to seek out and craft more traditional pieces as we continue to grow. Join us in restoring what ought to be and in strengthening the faith of our communities.